DWANSL Bridging Gaps, Building Futures for Deaf Women and Girls!

Musu Kolley, Freetown

DWANSL Champions Deaf Women’s Equality!




Welcome to Deaf Women Advocacy Network Sierra Leone (DWANSL)

At DWANSL, we are dedicated to championing the rights and well-being of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Women and Girls in Sierra Leone. Established in September 2020 by three passionate young women with hearing impairments, our organization strives to foster development, unity, awareness, and advocacy for the challenges faced by our community.


Fundamental Human Rights

DWANSL is unwavering in its commitment to securing and preserving the fundamental human rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Women and Girls. We believe that everyone, regardless of their hearing abilities, deserves equal access to these rights.

Education and Opportunities

We actively promote educational opportunities and training programs on leadership, gender-based/domestic violence, self-awareness, healthcare (including sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS education), and economic empowerment.

Early Deaf Girl-Child Issues

We recognizes the unique challenges faced by Deaf girls, particularly in the realms of underage marriage and the impact of teenage pregnancy. Through advocacy and supportWe strive to improve the educational prospects and overall well-being of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Girls in Sierra Leone.

Empowerment Through Advocacy

Living in a society where access to information is limited, we, as a community, stand united against oppression. DWANSL advocates for the rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Women and Girls, empowering them to voice their needs and concerns. Through awareness campaigns and self-empowerment initiatives, we strive to break down societal barriers.


DWANSL has been a beacon of empowerment for me. As a deaf woman, I’ve faced numerous challenges, but DWANSL provided me with the tools to overcome them. From educational opportunities to advocating for our rights, this organization is a true ally for deaf women like me. I am grateful for their unwavering support and dedication to our community.

Sarah Kamara

DWANSL doesn’t just talk about empowerment; they live it. Through their programs, I’ve gained valuable skills and knowledge that have transformed my life. The community they’ve built is one of solidarity, where every deaf woman is seen and heard. DWANSL is not just an organization; it’s a family that uplifts and empowers.

Aminata Dumbuya

As an educator working with deaf students, DWANSL has been an invaluable resource. Their commitment to improving Deaf and Hard of Hearing Girls’ Education is evident in their tireless efforts. The impact of their advocacy reaches beyond the individual; it touches the entire community, creating a more inclusive and understanding society.

Fatmata Sesay

DWANSL is a driving force for positive change. Their advocacy work not only benefits deaf women directly but contributes to a more inclusive society for all. As a supporter, I’ve witnessed the impact of their initiatives, and it’s inspiring to see the transformation in the lives of deaf women and girls. DWANSL is a catalyst for a more equitable future.

Ibrahim Conteh

Connect with Us

Stay connected with our community and stay informed about our activities by following us on social media.


(232) 99507223

